第5部分(第5/7 頁)
aywith you。’
Roy turned and did a dance step。 ‘That’s all right;’ he said。 ‘I know the Lord ain’t as hardas Daddy。 Is he; boy?’ he demanded of John; and struck him lightly on the forehead。
‘Boy; let me eat my breakfast;’ John muttered—though his plate had long been empty; andhe was pleased that Roy had turned to him。
‘That sure is a crazy boy;’ ventured Sarah; soberly。
‘Just listen;’ cried Roy; ‘to the little saint1 Daddy ain’t never going to have trouble with her—that one; she was born holy。 I bet the first words she ever said was: “Thank you; Jesus;” Ain’tthat so; Ma?’
‘You stop this foolishness;’ she said; laughing; ‘and go on about your work。 Can’t nobodyplay the fool with you all morning。’
‘Oh; is you got work for me to do this morning? Well; I declare;’ said Roy; ‘what you gotfor me to do?’
‘I got the woodwork in the dining…room for you to do。 And you going to do it; too; beforeyou set foot out of this house。’
‘Now; why you want to talk like that; Ma? Is I said I wouldn’t do it? You know I’m a rightgood worker when I got a mind。 After I do it; can I go?’
‘You go ahead and do it; and we’ll see。 You better do it right。’
‘I always do it right;’ said Roy。 ‘You won’t know your old woodwork when I get through。’
‘John;’ said his mother; ‘you sweep the front room for me like a good boy; and dust thefurniture。 I’m going to clean up in here。’
‘Yes’m;’ he said; and rose。 She had forgotten about his birthday。 He swore he would notmention it。 He would not think about it any more。
To sweep the front room meant; principally; to sweep the heavy red and green and purpleOriental…style carpet that had once been that room’s glory; but was now so faded that it was all oneswimming color; and so f