第5部分(第2/7 頁)
‘What you think we got for breakfast?’ Roy asked scornfully。 ‘You got a special cravingfor something?’
John looked at him。 Roy was not in a good mood。
‘I ain’t said nothing to you;’ he said。
‘Oh; I beg your pardon;’ said Roy; in the shrill; little…girl tone he knew John hated。
‘What’s the matter with you to…day?’ John asked; angry; and trying at the same time to lendhis voice as husky a pitch as possible。
‘Don’t you let Roy bother you;’ said their mother。 ‘He cross as two sticks this morning。’
‘Yeah;’ said John; ‘I reckon。’ He and Roy watched each other。 Then his plate was putbefore him: hominy grits and a scrap of bacon。 He wanted to cry; like a child: ‘But; Mama; it’s mybirthday!’ He kept his eyes on his plate and began to eat。
‘You can talk about your Daddy all you want to;’ said his mother; picking up her battlewith Roy; ‘but one thing you can’t say—you can’t say he ain’t always done his best to be a fatherto you and to see to it that you ain’t never gone hungry。’
‘I been hungry plenty of times;’ Roy said; proud to be able to score this point against hismother。
‘Wasn’t his fault; then。 Wasn’t because he wasn’t trying to feed you。 Than man shoveledsnow in zero weather when he ought’ve been in bed just to put food in your belly。’
‘Wasn’t just my belly;’ said Roy indignantly。 ‘He got a belly; too; I know—it’s a shame theway that man eats。 I sure ain’t asked him to shovel no snow for me。’ But he dropped his eyes;suspecting a flaw in his argument。 ‘I just don’t want him beating on me all the time;’ he said atlast。 ‘I ain’t no dog。’
She sighed; and turned slightly away; looking out of the window。 ‘Your Daddy beats you;’
she said; ‘because he loves you。’
Roy laughed。 ‘That ain’t th