第16部分(第4/7 頁)
… that wants to cut down my soul。’
Then his tears came down again; like a wall between him and his father。 His Aunt Florencecame and took him in her arms。 Her eyes were dry; and her face was old in the savage; morninglight。 But her voice; when she spoke; was gentler that he had ever known it to be before。
‘You fight the good fight;’ she said; ‘you hear? Don’t you get weary; and don’t you getscared。 Because I know the Lord’s done laid His hands on you。’
‘Yes;’ he said; weeping; ‘yes。 I’m going to serve the Lord。’
‘Amen!’ cried Elisha。 ‘Bless our God!’
The filthy streets rang with the early…morning light as they came out of the temple。
They were all there; save young Ella Mae; who had departed while John was still on thefloor—she had a bad cold; said Praying Mother Washington; and needed to have her rest。 Now; inthree groups; they walked the long; gray; silent avenue: Praying Mother Washington withElizabeth and Sister McCandless and Sister Price; and before them Gabriel and Florence; andElisha and John ahead。
‘You know; the Lord is a wonder;’ said the praying mother。 ‘Don’t you know; all this weekHe just burdened my soul; and kept me a…praying and a…weeping before Him? Look like I justcouldn’t get no ease nohow—and I know He had me a…tarrying for that boy’s soul。’
‘Well; amen;’ said Sister Price。 ‘Look like the Lord just wanted this church to rock。 Youremember how He spoke through Sister McCandless Friday night; and told us to pray; and He’dwork a mighty wonder in our midst? And He done moved—hallelujah—He done troubledeverybody’s mind。’
‘I just tell you;’ said Sister McCandless; ‘all you got to do is listen to the Lord; He’ll leadyou right every time; He’ll move every time。 Can’t nobody tell me my God ain’t