第23部分(第1/7 頁)
o those who read it more intelligently。 A man with a watch before his eyes; penning exactly so many words every quarter of an hour……one imagines that this picture might haunt disagreeably the thoughts even of Mudie's steadiest subscriber; that it might e between him or her and any Trollopean work that lay upon the counter。
The surprise was so cynically sprung upon a yet innocent public。 At that happy time (already it seems so long ago) the literary news set before ordinary readers mostly had reference to literary work; in a reputable sense of the term; and not; as now; to the processes of 〃literary〃 manufacture and the ups and downs of the 〃literary〃 market。 Trollope himself tells how he surprised the editor of a periodical; who wanted a serial from him; by asking how many thousand words it should run to; an anecdote savouring indeed of good old days。 Since then; readers have grown accustomed to revelations of 〃literary〃 method; and nothing in that kind can shock them。 There has e into existence a school of journalism which would seem to have deliberately set itself the task of degrading authorship and everything connected with it; and these pernicious scribblers (or typists; to be more accurate) have found the authors of a fretful age only too receptive of their mercantile suggestions。 Yes; yes; I know as well as any man that reforms were needed in the relations between author and publisher。 Who knows better than I that your representative author face to face with your representative publisher was; is; and ever will be; at a ludicrous disadvantage? And there is no reason in the nature and the decency of things why this wrong should not by some contrivance be remedied。 A big; blusterous; genial brute of a Trollope could very fairly hold his own; and exact at