第12部分(第1/7 頁)
after a certain lapse of time; of places where we lingered; often bears but a faint resemblance to the impression received at the time; what in truth may have been very moderate enjoyment; or enjoyment greatly disturbed by inner or outer circumstances; shows in the distance as a keen delight; or as deep; still happiness。 On the other hand; if memory creates no illusion; and the name of a certain place is associated with one of the golden moments of life; it were rash to hope that another visit would repeat the experience of a by…gone day。 For it was not merely the sights that one beheld which were the cause of joy and peace; however lovely the spot; however gracious the sky; these things external would not have availed; but for contributory movements of mind and heart and blood; the essentials of the man as then he was。
Whilst I was reading this afternoon my thoughts strayed; and I found myself recalling a hillside in Suffolk; where; after a long walk I rested drowsily one midsummer day twenty years ago。 A great longing seized me; I was tempted to set off at once; and find again that spot under the high elm trees; where; as I smoked a delicious pipe; I heard about me the crack; crack; crack of broom…pods bursting in the glorious heat of the noontide sun。 Had I acted upon the impulse; what chance was there of my enjoying such another hour as that which my memory cherished? No; no; it is not the PLACE that I remember; it is the time of life; the circumstances; the mood; which at that moment fell so happily together。 Can I dream that a pipe smoked on that same hillside; under the same glowing sky; would taste as it then did; or bring me the same solace? Would the turf be so soft beneath me? Would the great elm…branches temper so delightfully the noontide rays be