第7部分(第3/7 頁)
universal soldiering! I like to think that they will guard the liberty of their manhood even beyond the point of prudence。
A lettered German; speaking to me once of his year of military service; told me that; had it lasted but a month or two longer; he must have sought release in suicide。 I know very well that my own courage would not have borne me to the end of the twelvemonth; humiliation; resentment; loathing; would have goaded me to madness。 At school we used to be 〃drilled〃 in the playground once a week; I have but to think of it; even after forty years; and there es back upon me that tremor of passionate misery which; at the time; often made me ill。 The senseless routine of mechanic exercise was in itself all but unendurable to me; I hated the standing in line; the thrusting…out of arms and legs at a signal; the thud of feet stamping in constrained unison。 The loss of individuality seemed to me sheer disgrace。 And when; as often happened; the drill…sergeant rebuked me for some inefficiency as I stood in line; when he addressed me as 〃Number Seven!〃 I burned with shame and rage。 I was no longer a human being; I had bee part of a machine; and my name was 〃Number Seven。〃 It used to astonish me when I had a neighbour who went through the drill with amusement; with zealous energy; I would gaze at the boy; and ask myself how it was possible that he and I should feel so differently。 To be sure; nearly all my schoolfellows either enjoyed the thing; or at all events went through it with indifference; they made friends with the sergeant; and some were proud of walking with him 〃out of bounds。〃 Left; right! Left; right! For my own part; I think I have never hated man as I hated that broad…shouldered; hard…visaged; brassy…voiced fellow。 Every word he spoke to me; I fe