第19部分(第3/7 頁)
histology; morphology; and so on; with regard to it; I should have exhausted its meanings? What is all this but words; words; words? Interesting; yes; as observation; but; the more interesting; so much the more provocative of wonder and of hopeless questioning。 One may gaze and think till the brain whirls……till the little blossom in one's hand bees as overwhelming a miracle as the very sun in heaven。 Nothing to be known? The flower simply a flower; and there an end on't? The man simply a product of evolutionary law; his senses and his intellect merely availing him to take account of the natural mechanism of which he forms a part? I find it very hard to believe that this is the conviction of any human mind。 Rather I would think that despair at an insoluble problem; and perhaps impatience with those who pretend to solve it; bring about a resolute disregard of everything beyond the physical fact; and so at length a self…deception which seems obtuseness。
It may well be that what we call the unknowable will be for ever the unknown。 In that thought is there not a pathos beyond words? It may be that the human race will live and pass away; all mankind; from him who in the world's dawn first shaped to his fearful mind an image of the Lord of Life; to him who; in the dusking twilight of the last age; shall crouch before a deity of stone or wood; and never one of that long lineage have learnt the wherefore of his being。 The prophets; the martyrs; their noble anguish vain and meaningless; the wise whose thought strove to eternity; and was but an idle dream; the pure in heart whose life was a vision of the living God; the suffering and the mourners whose solace was in a world to e; the victims of injustice who cried to the Judge Supreme……all gone down into silence;