第25部分(第6/7 頁)
dispense with breakfast and get to work finding a solution to this
mess。〃 Only when she stopped; did she realize she'd been shouting。 There
were also tears in her eyes again。 Again。 Jamming her knuckles against
her mouth; she looked away。
More softly; Mitch asked; 〃How did you get into this mess; as you call
it; Anne? Why aren't you with your husband?〃
〃That's none of your business。〃
〃Are you divorced?〃
〃Are you working on the separate…vacation concept?〃
〃He doesn't know you're here?〃
She gave a bitter laugh。 〃No。〃
〃You've run away?〃
Her posure cracked。 〃Will you leave me alone? Just go! Get out!
Let me be!〃
He didn't move。 〃Why did you leave your husband?〃
〃That's none of your business!〃
〃No? In my book; marriage is a precious thing。 Some people treasure it
and then lose it through no fault of their own。 Others throw it away。 If
we're going to spend the week together; I want to know which it is。 So
tell me why you left him。 If it was just your lousy cooking or your
selfishness in the shower; he'd have left you。〃 He paused。 〃Is that what
She looked him in the eye。 〃He didn't leave me。 I didn't leave him。 We
loved each other。 He was in an accident; and now he's dead。 Dead!〃 Her
chair scraped across the floor as she stood abruptly; reached angrily
for his plate; and stormed to the sink。 She slammed the food facedown in
it。 Then emotion overwhelmed her。 Bracing shaky arms against the
counter; she hung her head。 Helplessly she gave in to quiet sobs。
She didn't hear him e up; but there was a genuine softness in his
voice。 〃I'm sorr