第25部分(第2/7 頁)
s is my
vacation; or didn't you hear that last night?〃 Only a deaf man could
have missed a word now。 Goaded by his indignant stare; she ranted on。
〃This noise was enough to wake the dead。 Not that I needed anything as
loud as that to disturb me。 Your twisting around up over my head all
night was bad enough! Just because you have insomnia doesn't mean that I
have to have it!〃
His stare was chilling。 〃You wake up in a lovely mood; don't you? Very
different from my usual women。〃 He looked her over; head to toe。 〃That's
quite an outfit; also different from my usual women。〃
Naturally; Anne had left her robe hanging in the closet。 Whirling on her
heel; hair flying out behind; she returned to her room; put on the robe;
then; with a wave of weariness; sank down onto the edge of the bed;
elbows on knees; face buried in her palms。 Inhaling deeply; she tried to
still the throbbing at her temples。 His women。 His women; indeed。 She
wasn't his or anyone else's。
The sorrow of that thought deflated her。 If Jeff could only see her now!
Ashamed; she gathered up a towel and soap in the hope that a long; hot
shower would ease her tension and improve her mood; and for a short time
it did。 The water pressure was strong; sending steamy trails over the
taut muscles of her neck and back。 Rich…lathering shampoo left her hair
squeaky clean and shiny; hanging in damp clusters about her shoulders
when she finally emerged; toweled herself vigorously; and returned to
her room。
Half an hour later; wearing a navy sweater; jeans; and sneakers; she
headed for the kitchen to make coffee。 It was already hot on the stove。
To her