第39部分(第4/7 頁)
ence Carpenter leaned sideways to explain in a low voice; 〃They want
to know the extent of your loss in terms of future parenthood。 If you
and Jeff wanted a child and he's no longer here to sire it; the loss is
greater。 Do you understand?〃
She nodded。 Yes。 She could understand that。
She took a breath。 〃We wanted to have a child; but it just never 。。。
〃You mean; you never conceived?〃
〃I did conceive。 TWICE。 I miscarried both times。〃 In the silence that
followed; her father…in…law took her hand。
〃Did you see doctors?〃 the lawyer prodded。
〃Of course!〃 Her voice rose。 As if the memories weren't painful enough;
the humiliation of airing them before this hostile group was traumatic。
〃They couldn't find a cause。 They insisted that another time the baby
would be fine。〃
〃And you kept trying?〃
〃How could I; Mr。 Parks? My husband died。〃
Her words brought silence to the room。 Anne sat stiff; clenched her jaw;
and looked nowhere but at the lawyer; who quickly redirected the
〃Do you date; Mrs。 Boulton?〃 When she frowned; he rephrased the
question。 〃Have you begun to date since your husband's death?〃
The sudden hammering in her chest threatened to rob her of breath。 She
refused; absolutely refused to look at Mitch。 〃No;〃 she whispered。
〃I'm sorry; I couldn't hear that; Mrs。 Boulton。〃
She raised her voice。 〃No。〃 It was a technicality; she knew; but she
didn't care。
〃That's hard to believe; if you'll excuse me for saying so。 You're an
attractive young woman。 Aren't you planning to date?〃
〃Not now;〃 she said with a bitter laugh。 After what Mitch had done; she