首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 布魯斯-帕廷頓計劃-the bruce-partington plans > 第2部分

第2部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 迷霧世界:我覺醒山海經征服諸天大一統世界艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖全民遊戲:死靈法師的我即天災LOL:奶爸型打野,他太暖了球王爸爸,請再努力一點星環遊戲看不見的刺客世界神秘學使用指南鬥羅:我都修仙了,還封號鬥羅?從聯姻開始成仙打怪獸要趕在早八之前NBA最強主教打散N個三巨頭英雄無敵之修仙mod里斯本競技出道,開啟葡萄牙王朝全民遊戲製作大師艾澤拉斯沒有巨魔鬥羅:奶媽葉夕水,打倒神王唐三天河真仙不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛

from me that naval warfare bees impossible withing the radius

of a Bruce…Partington's operation。 Two years ago a very large

sum was smuggled through the Estimates and was expended in

acquiring a monopoly of the invention。 Every effort has been

made to keep the secret。 The plans; which are exceedingly

intricate; prising some thirty separate patents; each

essential to the working of the whole; are kept in an elaborate

safe in a confidential office adjoining the arsenal; with

burglar…proof doors and windows。 Under no conceivable

circumstances were the plans to be taken from the office。 If the

chief constructor of the Navy desired to consult them; even he

was forced to go to the Woolwich office for the purpose。 And yet

here we find them in the pocket of a dead junior clerk in the

heart of London。 From an official point of view it's simply


〃But you have recovered them?〃

〃No; Sherlock; no! That's the pinch。 We have not。 Ten papers

were taken from Woolwich。 There were seven in the pocket of

Cadogan West。 The three most essential are gone……stolen;

vanished。 You must drop everything; Sherlock。 Never mind your

usual petty puzzles of the police…court。 It's a vital

international problem that you have to solve。 Why did Cadogan

West take the papers; where are the missing ones; how did he die;

how came his body where it was found; how can the evil be set

right? Find an answer to all these questions; and you will have

done good service for your country。〃

〃Why do you not solve it yourself; Mycroft? You can see as far

as I。〃

〃Possibly; Sherlock。 But it is a questio
