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… 手機訪問 m。
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╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬版 權 歸 原 作 者
The Underground City
by Jules Verne
The Black Indies
(Sometimes Called The Child of the Cavern)
To Mr。 F。 R。 Starr; Engineer; 30 Canongate; Edinburgh。
IF Mr。 James Starr will e to…morrow to the Aberfoyle coal…mines; Dochart pit; Yarrow shaft; a munication of an interesting nature will be made to him。
〃Mr。 James Starr will be awaited for; the whole day; at the Callander station; by Harry Ford; son of the old overman Simon Ford。〃
〃He is requested to keep this invitation secret。〃
Such was the letter which James Starr received by the first post; on the 3rd December; 18……; the letter bearing the Aberfoyle postmark; county of Stirling; Scotland。
The engineer's curiosity was excited to the highest pitch。 It never occurred to him to doubt whether this letter might not be a hoax。 For many years he had known Simon Ford; one of the former foremen of the Aberfoyle mines; of which he; James Starr; had for twenty years; been the manager; or; as he would be termed in English coal…mines; the viewer。 James Starr was a strongly…constituted man; on whom his fifty…five years weighed no more heavily than if they had been forty。 He belonged to an old Edinburgh family; and was one of its most distinguished members。 His labors did credit to the body of engineers who are gradually devouring the carboniferous subsoil of the United Kingdom; as much at Cardiff and Newcastle; as in the southern counties of Scotland。 However; it was more particularly in the depths of the mysterious mines of Aberfoyle; which border on the Alloa