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matter as an urgently needed Copyright Bill was left for the Radicals to deal with as best they could in face of the opposition of the Labour party。
It does strike me that this Conservative Government never quite realised that the time had gone by when it was possible for a happy family party to philosophise at a round table; calling each other by their Christian names and sucking the sweets of office from year to year; quite satisfied to meet any emergencies that might arise in a happy…go…lucky; hand…to…mouth fashion; and to proclaim in well…educated voices that; while they ruled; all was well with the world; also that the questions which others thought urgent might be postponed — to a more convenient season。 Session was added to session; and still they scoffed at the need of any constructive policy。 Meanwhile the thunder…clouds banked up; and that strong and turbulent spirit; Mr。 Chamberlain; growing impatient of this political lotus…eating; broke away and ran up a score off his own bat; which to this hour the Unionist party does not know whether to count in its total or to sponge from the board。
But; as arked about the very recent collapse of the resistance of the House of Lords before the threat of an influx of Radical peers (how long would they have remained Radical; one wonders?); all this is “ancient history;” and therefore scarce worthy of discussion。 I think it was Mr。 Balfour himself who made the remark; apparently with a viee people think an obscure and poor…spirited transaction。 Surely it is better to die facing the foe and with one’s armour on than to pull it off and run away; only to be beaten to death with sticks afterwards by the enemy’s camp…followers; or taken prisoner; reclothed in your ermine and coro; and mocked before the people。 Lor