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ds a year; and with Becky Sharp who remarked safely that in these circumstances it was easier to be virtuous!
I worked hard on that Royal mission。 During the five years of its life; indeed; I only missed one day’s sitting; and that was because the steamer from Denmark could not get me there in time。 Shortly after the mencement of its labours I was nominated the Chairman of the Unemployed Labour and Reclamation mittee; which involved a good deal of extra; but important and interesting; business。 Also I was the Chairman of two of the tours that were made by mittees of the mission to inspect the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland; during which tours I am glad to say there were no differences of opinion or other troubles; such as have been known to arise on similar occasions。
When we had been sitting about a year; finding that there was not really very much in the Coast Erosion business; which had been somewhat exaggerated; Lord Ashby St。 Ledgers and I approached Mr。 Lloyd George one night at a dinner party and suggested that; as had been originally proposed; the question of Afforestation should be added to our Reference。 This was done; and some experts in the matter were appointed to the mission。 After this we investigated that great subject with much zeal and; being pressed by the Government; presented an interim Report。 It was drafted; with the assistance of course of our clever and industrious secretary; Mr。 Grimshaw; of the Board of Trade; by the Chairman; Professor Somerville; and myself; quorum pars magna fuit my extremely able and learned friend; Professor Somerville。 We presented a scheme for the consideration of the Government; under which; had it been adopted; enormous areas of waste or poor land in the United Kingdom would in due course have b