第73部分(第6/7 頁)
eminent man of science and a great student of such hidden matters。 I asked him whether he possessed such evidence as would satisfy a reasonable person; say a judge or a juryman; of the fact of the continued existence of the individual after his physical death。 He answered:
As to your question — it is not an easy one。 By scientific experience I have myself bee absolutely convinced of persistence of existence; and I regard death as an important episode — the reverse of birth — but neither of these episodes really initial or final。 One is the assumption of connection with matter; the other is the abandoning of that connection。
If it be further asked whether after we have abandoned matter we can; by indirect means; occasionally continue to act upon it — on the matter of the inorganic world or the matter of our friends’ brains; for instance — I am inclined to answer; though now more doubtfully; that in my judgment the evidence points to the existence of some indistinct and undeveloped power of this sort。
The simplest and best developed variety of this continued interaction with matter is on the side of telepathy。
This is experimentally found existent between the living; and I have reason to believe that this is the one mode of munication which survives the transition; and that under favourable conditions we can still influence and be influenced by the process of events and emotions here 。 。 。 。
This is forting; so far as it goes; and of course extremely interesting。 But; after all; we have here only the experience and the deductions of one man who; brilliant and utterly upright as he is known to be; may still be mistaken like the rest of us。 The manifestations exist — many can bear witness to them。 But whence do they e? That is the questio