第73部分(第3/7 頁)
stions。 I will only add that I ask you to publish the annexed documents with this letter; as they constitute the written testimony at present available to the accuracy of what I state。 Further; I may say that I shall wele any investigation by petent persons。
I am; your obedient servant;
H。 Rider Haggard。
To the Editor of The Times。
The editor of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research says:
This case is one of very unusual interest from several points of view。 It is; therefore; specially satisfactory to have it so well authenticated; and Mr。 Rider Haggard deserves the gratitude of psychical researchers for having collected all the available evidence so promptly and pletely and put it at the disposal of the scientific world。
This experience produced a great effect upon me; and at first frightened and upset me somewhat; for without doubt it has a very uncanny side。 By degrees; however; I came to see that it also has its lessons; notably one lesson — that of the kinship; I might almost say the oneness; of all animal life。 I have always been fond of every kind of creature; and especially of dogs; some of which have been and are as very dear friends to me。 But up to this date I had also been a sportsman。 Shooting was my principal recreation; and one of which I was; and indeed still am; extremely fond。 Greatly did I love a high pheasant; at which sometimes I made good marksmanship。 But now; alas! I only bring them down in imagination with an umbrella or a walking…stick。 From that day forward; except noxious insects and so forth; I have killed nothing; and; although I should not hesitate to shoot again for food or for protection; I am by no means certain that the act would not make me feel unwell。 Perhaps illogically; I make