第47部分(第5/7 頁)
riting this on the site of Gunnar’s hall; which I can distinctly trace。 The hall looked out over the great Markallflajot plain; now nothing but a waste eaten up of the waters。 To the north is a large glacier…mountain — the hall was built on the side of a hill — and to the left of the house is the fissure into which the dog Sam was decoyed and killed。 The lark now sings over where Gunnar fought and fell; betrayed by Hallgerda。
7 P。M。: Bergthorsknoll。 Arrived here after a long ride over a desolate grassy flat。 The site of Njal’s hall is now for the most part covered with hovels。 It faces sou’west; partly on to the plain and partly on to a river。 To the left of the house is the hollow where the burners tied up their horses as described in the saga。 In front appears the fierce outline of the Westman Islands。
29th: Dug last night and found various relics of the burning。 The floor of the hall seems to have been sprinkled with black sand (see the saga); but we had not the luck of the American who; when he dug; discovered a gold ring。
On the whole we enjoyed our fishing very much; and I killed a good number of salmon; though; because of the drought; not so many as I ought to have done。 Also there were multitudes of trout。 The trout stream ran out of a gloomy lake surrounded by high mountains。 The Icelanders vowed that there were no trout in this lake。 However we procured an old boat so leaky that we could only row a little way from land and back again before she filled。 Ross; who had been an oar at College; rowed; while I managed the two trolling rods。 Before we had gone a few yards they were both of them bent almost double。 Never before or since did I have such fishing。 To what size the trout ran in that lake I had no idea; for the biggest ones invariably