第55部分(第3/7 頁)
ind of pain — will he continue to endure if once he is assured that beneath the precipice from which he will presently be hurled there is — Nothing? Knowing all they must be called upon to suffer at the best; will he breed children; perhaps to see them thrown from the stark cliff before his eyes and there to cease to be for ever? (The case of France; where I believe faith grows very weak; seems to give answer to this question。 Yesterday I read that in that country during 1911 the deaths exceeded the births by over thirty thousand。 My conviction is that; unless faith returns to her in some form; as a nation France is doomed。 She will fall as Rome fell; and from the same cause。)
In short; I hold that God and a belief in a future life where there is no more pain and tears are wiped from off all faces are necessities to civilised and thoughtful man; and that without them; slowly perhaps; but surely; he will cease to be。 He will mit suicide when Fortune frowns; as did the Roman who had outgrown his gods; he will refuse to propagate his kind; as do the French。 Why should he breed them to be the bread of Death?
Such are the conclusions at which I have arrived after many years of reflection which began at the time of my great grief。 They may be right or they may be wrong; that the future history of the white races will reveal。 At least I believe in them。 Nor do I believe alone。 But yesterday I was speaking on these matters to a bishop of the English Church; a very able and enlightened man。 I found that my views were his views; and my conclusions his conclusions。 Also he thought; as I do; that many of our present troubles; industrial and other; arise from the loss of faith among men。 The feast of Life; such as it is; is spread before their eyes。 They would help the