第42部分(第7/7 頁)
Museum。 He took me round that heavenly place。 He showed me the mummies of Seti; Rameses; and the rest; and oh! with what veneration did I look upon them。 He told me; trembling with emotion; of the discovery; then recent; of the great Deir…el…Behari cache of Pharaohs and their treasures。 He said when he got to the bottom of that well and entered the long passage where for tens of centuries had slept the mighty dead; huddled together there to save them from the wicked hands of robbers or enemies; and by the light of torches had read a few of the names upon the coffins; that he nearly fainted with joy; as well he might。 Also he described to me how; when the royal bodies were borne from this resting…place and shipped for conveyance