第42部分(第5/7 頁)
bitious project。
A friend of mine who is a mystic of the first water amused me very much not long ago by forwarding to me a list of my previous incarnations; or rather of three of them; which had been revealed to him in some mysterious way。 Two of these were Egyptian; one as a noble in the time of Pepi II who lived somewhere about 4000 B。C。; and the second as one of the minor Pharaohs。 In the third; according to him; I was a Norseman of the seventh century; who was one of the first to sail to the Nile; whence he returned but to die in sight of his old home。 After that; saith the prophet; I slumbered for twelve hundred years until my present life。
I cannot say that I have been converted to my friend’s perfectly sincere beliefs; since the reincarnation business seems to me to be quite insusceptible of proof。 If it could be proved; how much more interesting it would make our lives。 But that; I think; will never happen; even if it be true that we return again to these glimpses of the moon; which; like everything else; is possible。
Still it is a fact that some men have a strong affinity for certain lands and periods of history; which; of course; may be explained by the circumstance that their direct ancestors dwelt in those lands and at those periods。 Thus I love the Norse people of the saga and presaga times。 But then I have good reason to believe that my forefathers were Danes。 I am; however; unable to trace any Egyptian ancestor — if such existed at all it is too long ago。
However these things may be; with the old Norse and the old Egyptians I am at home。 I can enter into their thoughts and feelings; I can even understand their theologies。 I have a respect for Thor and Odin; I venerate Isis; and always feel inclined to bow to the moon!