第54部分(第2/7 頁)
rattling ing from the stone…paved area near
the well; but it didn’t last。 Later; my attention was caught by a squawking
seagull that had alighted on the roof。 Then it; too; fell silent along with
everything else。 Afterward; I heard a low moan from the other side of the
hallway: Hayriye was crying in her sleep。 Her moans dissolved into coughing
which ended as suddenly as it had begun; giving way once again to that deep;
dreadful silence。 A while later; I imagined that an intruder was roaming
around the room where my dead Enishte lay; and I froze pletely。
During each span of silence; I examined the pictures before me;
contemplating how the passionate Olive; the beautiful Butterfly and the
deceased gilder had dabbed paint onto the page。 I had the urge to confront
each of the images by shouting “Satan!” or “Death!” as my Enishte used to do
some nights; but fear restrained me。 Besides; these illustrations had vexed me
plenty because I couldn’t write an appropriate story to acpany them
despite my Enishte’s insistence。 Since I was slowly growing certain that his
death was linked to these images; I felt fretful and impatient。 I’d already
scrutinized the illustrations endlessly while listening to Enishte’s stories; all for
a chance to be near Shekure。 Now that she was my lawfully wedded wife; why
should I preoccupy myself with them? A merciless inner voice answered:
“Because even after her children have fallen asleep; Shekure refuses to leave her
bed and join you。” I waited for a long while gazing