第47部分(第6/7 頁)
of it: Yakutlar; where my deceased
Enishte and Shekure; along with her children; awaited me at their house。 As I
made my way along the streets almost running; a tall plane tree seemed to
reproach me for being overjoyed by dreams and plans of marriage on the very
day my Enishte had passed away。 Next; as the ice had melted; a street fountain
hissed into my ear: “Don’t take matters too seriously; see to your own affairs
and your own happiness。” “That’s all fine and good;” objected an ill…omened
black cat licking himself on the corner; “but everybody; yourself included;
suspects you had a hand in your uncle’s murder。”
The cat left off licking himself as I suddenly caught sight of its bewitching
eyes。 I don’t have to tell you how brazen these Istanbul cats get when the
locals spoil them。
I found the Imam Effendi; whose droopy eyelids and large black eyes gave
him a perpetually sleepy look; not at his house; but in the courtyard of the
neighborhood mosque; and there I asked him quite a trivial legal question:
“When is one obligated to testify in court?” I raised my eyebrows as I listened
to his haughty answer as if I were hearing this information for the first time。
“Bearing witness is optional if other witnesses are present;” explained the
Imam Effendi; “but; in situations where there was only one witness; it is the
will of God that one bear witness。”
“That’s just the predicament I find myself in now;” I said; taking up the
conversation。 “In a situation everyone knows about; all the witnesses have
shirked their res