第55部分(第2/7 頁)
attention on the spot where the
executioners were said to be ever at the ready; nor could I hide my agitation
from the keepers of the gate who glanced inquiringly at the bolt of upholstery
cloth I carried as a prop so onlookers would assume I was assisting my tailor…
As soon as we entered the Divan Square; a deep silence enveloped us。 I felt
my heart pounding even in the veins of my forehead and neck。 This area; so
often described by my Enishte and others who visited the palace; lay before
me like a heavenly garden of unequaled beauty。 Yet; I didn’t feel the elation of
a man who’d entered Heaven; just trepidation and pious reverence; I felt
myself to be a simple servant of Our Sultan; who; as I now thoroughly
understood; was indeed the foundation of this worldly realm。 I stared at the
peacocks roaming through the greenery; the gold cups chained to splashing
fountains and the Grand Vizier’s heralds robed in silk (who seemed to move
about without touching the ground); and I felt the thrill of serving my
Sovereign。 There was no doubt that I would plete Our Sultan’s secret
book; whose unfinished illustrations I carried under my arm。 Without
knowing exactly what I was doing; I trailed behind the tailor; my eyes fixed on
the Divan Tower; spellbound by fear more than awe now at its proximity。
Acpanied by a royal page who’d attached himself to us; we fearfully
and silently; as in a dream; passed the Divan building and the Treasury; I felt
that I’d seen this place before and knew it well。
We entered through a wide door into