第89部分(第2/7 頁)
se I could have finished him then and
there。 Being this close to his curly hair; to the nape of his neck—which
might’ve invited an insulting slap at another time—and to his ugly ears
enraged me all the more。 “I’m using all my restraint to keep from doing away
with you this instant;” I whispered into his ear as if divulging a secret。
That he listened to me like an obedient child without making a peep
pleased me: “You’ll recognize this legend from the Book of Kings;” I whispered。
“Feridun Shah; in error; bequeaths the worst of his lands to his two older sons
and the best; Persia; to Iraj; the youngest。 Tur; bent on revenge; dupes his
younger brother; Iraj; of whom he is jealous; before he cuts Iraj’s throat; he
grabs his hair just as I am doing now and lies on top of him with all his
weight。 Do you feel the weight of my body?”
He gave no answer; but from his eyes; which stared blankly like those of a
sacrificial lamb; I could tell that he was listening; and I was struck with
inspiration: “I’m not only faithful to Persian styles and methods in painting;
but also in beheadings。 I’ve also seen another version of this much loved scene
that describes Shah Siyavush’s death。”
I explained to Black; who listened silently; how Siyavush made preparations
for avenging his brothers; how he burned down his entire palace; all his
belongings and property; how he forgivingly parted from his wife; mounted
his steed and went to war; how he lost the battle and was dragged by his hair
along the ground before being laid out facedo