第93部分(第2/7 頁)
raw the horse that had lain within you all those years。”
“My mother; may she rest in peace; was more intelligent than my father;” I
said。 “One night I was at home; in tears; determined never again to return to
the workshop because I was daunted not only by Master Osman’s beatings;
but by those of the other harsh and irritable masters and by those of the
division head who always intimidated us with a ruler。 In consolation; my
dearly departed mother advised me that there were two types of people in the
world: those who were cowed and crushed by their childhood beatings; forever
downtrodden; she said; because the beatings had the desired effect of killing
the inner devils; and those fortunate ones for whom the beatings frightened
and tamed the devil within without killing him off。 Though the latter group
would never forget these painful childhood memories—she’d warned me not
to tell this to anybody—the beatings would in time enable them to develop
cunning; to fathom the unknown; to make friends; to identify enemies; to
sense plots being hatched behind their backs and; let me hasten to add; to
paint better than anyone else。 Because I wasn’t able to draw the branches of a
tree harmoniously; Master Osman would slap me so hard that; amid bitter
tears; forests would burgeon before me。 After angrily striking me in the head
because I couldn’t see the errors at the bottoms of pages; he lovingly took up a
mirror and placed it before the page so I could see the work as if for the first
time。 Then pressing his cheek to mine; he so lovingly identified the mistakes