第75部分(第2/7 頁)
that I’d been
loath to believe that the great master might want to stay in the icy Treasury as
long as possible。
Thus did we persist in opening other cabis; other chests shown us by the
aged dwarf; to examine the pictures therein。 Periodically; I’d get fed up with
the pictures; which all looked alike; and wish never again to watch Hüsrev visit
Shirin under the castle window; I’d leave the master’s side—without even a
glance at the nostrils of the horse Hüsrev rode—and try to warm myself at the
brazier or I’d walk respectfully and awestruck among the heaps of cloth; gold;
weapons; armor and plunder in the adjacent rooms of the Treasury。 At times;
prompted by an abrupt cry and hand gesture by Master Osman; I’d imagine
that a new masterpiece had been found or; yes; at last a horse with a curious
nose; and running to his side; I’d look at the picture the master was holding
with his hand slightly atremble as he sat curled up on an Ushak carpet dating
from the time of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror; only to encounter an
illustration; the likes of which I’d never before seen; depicting; say; Satan slyly
boarding Noah’s ark。
We watched as hundreds of shahs; kings; sultans and khans—who’d ruled
from the thrones of various kingdoms and empires from the time of Tamerlane
to Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent—happily and excitedly hunted gazelles;
lions and rabbits。 We saw how even the Devil bit his finger and recoiled in
embarrassment at the shameless man who stood upon scraps of wood tied to
the back legs of a camel so he could violate the poor animal。 In an Arabic book
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