第101部分(第7/7 頁)
ods of the old masters of Herat and the
Frankish masters that paved the ong artists and endless
quandries was never resolved。 For painting itself was abandoned; artists
painted neither like Easterners nor Westerners。 The miniaturists did not grow
angry and revolt; but like old men b to an illness; they
gradually accepted the situation with humble grief and resignation。 They were
neither curious about nor dreamed about the work of the great masters of
Herat and Tabriz; whom they once followed with awe; or the Frankish masters;
whose innovative methods they aspired to; caught indecisively between envy
and hatred。 Just as the doors of houses are closed of an evening and the city is
left to darkness; painting was also abandoned。 It was mercilessly forgotten that
we’d once looked upon our world quite differently。
My father’s book; sadly; remained unfinished。 From where Hasan scattered
the pleted pages on the ground; they were transferred to the Treasury;
there; an efficient and fastidious librarian had them bound together with
other unrelated illu