第97部分(第6/7 頁)
believed; if not to the same degree; what Enishte described to me at length
about the Frankish masters and their artistry。 I used to believe quite sincerely
that we Ottoman artists could fortably take from this or that aspect of the
Frankish methods as much as our hearts desired or as much as could be seen
during a visit abroad—without bartering with the Devil or bringing any great
harm upon us。 Life was easy; your Enishte; may he rest in peace; had succeeded
Master Osman; and was a new father to me in this new life。“
“Let’s not discuss that point yet;” said Black。 “First describe how you
murdered Elegant。”
“This deed;” I said; recognizing that I couldn’t use the word “murder;” “I
mitted this deed not only for us; to save us; but for the salvation of the
entire workshop。 Elegant Effendi knew he posed a powerful threat。 I prayed to
Almighty God; begging him to give me a sign showing me how despicable this
scoundrel really was。 My prayers were answered when I offered Elegant money。
God had shown me how wretched he really was。 These gold pieces came to
mind; but by divine inspiration; I lied。 I said the gold pieces weren’t here in
the lodge; but I’d hidden them elsewhere。 We went out。 I walked him through
empty streets and out…of…the…way neighborhoods without any consideration
for where we were going。 I had no idea what I would do; and in short; I was
afraid。 At the end of our wandering; after we’d e to a street we’d passed
earlier; our brother Elegant Effendi the gilder; who devoted his entire life to
form and repetition; grew suspicious。 But God provi