第84部分(第6/7 頁)
“In that entryway over there is a vile Tatar beggar;” I said。 “He’s blind; but
he’ll know who’s e and gone along this street better than the
neighborhood headman does。 He continually plays with himself as if he were
one of the Sultan’s vulgar monkeys。 Without letting your hand touch his; give
him eight or ten silver pieces and he’ll tell you everything he knows。”
From a distance; I watched Black hand over the coins; then lay his sword
against the throat of the beggar and begin to pressure him with questions。
Next; I’m not sure how it happened; the barber’s apprentice; who I thought
was simply watching the house; began to beat the Tatar with the butt of his
axe。 I watched for a while; thinking it wouldn’t last; but the Tatar was wailing。
I ran over and pulled the beggar away before they killed him。
“He cursed my mother;” said the apprentice。
“He says that Hasan isn’t home;” Black said。 “Can we trust what this blind
man says?” He handed me a note that he’d quickly written。 “Take this; bring it
to the house; give it to Hasan; and if he’s not there; give it to his father;” he
“Haven’t you written anything for Shekure?” I asked as I took the note。
“If I send her a separate note; it’ll incite the men of the house even more;”
Black said。 “Tell her I’ve found her father’s vile murderer。”
“Is this true?”
“Just tell her。”
Chastising the Tatar; who was still crying and plaining; I quieted him
down。 “Don’t forget what I’ve done for you;” I said; ing to the realization
that I’d drawn out the incident so I wouldn’t have to leave。
Why had I stuck