第68部分(第2/7 頁)
drew another arc as if
scripting a letter; and I was moved to the verge of laughter。 I swooped down in
a perfect arc from the neck of my rearing horse to its saddle。 My hand
occupied itself with the saddle as I proudly regarded my horse; now ing
into being; with a robust; rounded body not unlike my own: Everyone will be
stunned by this horse。 I thought about the sweet ments Our Sultan would
make when I won the prize; He’d present me with a purse of gold coins; and I
had the urge to laugh again as I imagined how I’d count them at home。 Just
then; my hand; which I gazed at out of the corner of my eye; finished with the
saddle and took my brush to the inkwell and back before I began the horse’s
rump with a chuckle as though I’d told a joke。 I briskly outlined the tail。 How
gentle and curvaceous I made the rear end; lovingly wishing to cup it in my
hands like the gentle butt of a boy I was about to violate。 As I smiled; my clever
hand finished with the hind legs; and my brush stopped: This was the finest
rearing horse the world had ever known。 I was overe with joy; happily
thinking about how much they would like my horse; how they would declare
me the most talented of miniaturists and even how they would announce at
once that I was to bee Head Illuminator; but then I considered what else
those idiots would say: “How quickly and joyfully he’s drawn this!” For this
reason alone; I was worried they wouldn’t take my wonderful illustration
seriously。 Therefore; I meticulously rendered the mane; nostrils; teeth; strands
of horsetail and saddle blanket in minute