第67部分(第6/7 頁)
d to form the neck; exactly like that of the
horse in my mind’s eye。 Without lifting my brush; I came down from the
cheek; reaching the powerful mouth; which I’d left open after a moment’s
thought; I entered the mouth—this is how it’s going to be then; open your
mouth wider now; horsey—and I brought out its tongue。 I slowly turned out
the nose—no room for indecision! Angling up steadily; I looked momentarily
at the whole image; and when I saw that I’d made my line exactly as I’d
imagined it; I forgot entirely what I was drawing; and the ears and the
magnificent curve of the spectacular neck were rendered by my hand alone。 As
I drew the backside from memory; my hand stopped on its own to let the
bristles of the brush sip from the inkwell。 I was quite content while rendering
the rump; and the forceful and protruding hindquarters; I was pletely
engrossed in the picture。 I seemed to be standing beside the horse I was
drawing as I joyously began the tail。 This was a war steed; a racehorse; making
a knot of its tail and winding it around; I exuberantly moved upward; as I was
drawing the dock and buttocks I felt a pleasant coolness on my own ass and
anus。 Pleased by that feeling; I gleefully pleted the splendid softness of the
rump; the left hind leg that was slightly behind the right; and then the hooves。
I was astonished by the horse I’d drawn and by my hand; which had rendered
the elegant positioning of the left foreleg exactly as I had conceived it。
I lifted my hand from the page and quickly drew the fiery; sorrowful eyes;