第14部分(第6/7 頁)
soap; waiting for baksheesh; I inquired after the identity of the magnificent
miniaturist responsible for the piece。
“It is indeed important that a painting; through its beauty; summon us
toward life’s abundance; toward passion; toward respect for the colors of
the realm which God created; and toward reflection and faith。 The identity of
the miniaturist is not important。”
Was Nuri the Miniaturist; who was much more subtle in thought than I’d
assumed; being reserved because he understood that my Enishte sent me here
to investigate; or was he merely parroting Head Illuminator Master Osman?
“Is Elegant the one responsible for all this gilding work?” I asked。 “Who’s
doing the gilding now; in his stead?”
The shouts and screams of children could now be heard through the open
door that faced the inner courtyard。 Below; one of the division heads had
started administering the bastinado to apprentices who’d most likely been
caught with red ink powder in their pockets or gold leaf hidden away in a fold
of paper; probably the two whom I’d seen trembling as they waited in the
cold。 Young painters; seizing an opportunity to mock them; ran to the door to
“By the time the apprentices paint the ground of the Hippodrome here a
rose color; finishing it off as our Master Osman has dictated;” said Nuri
Effendi cautiously; “our brother Elegant Effendi; God willing; will have
returned from wherever he’s gone and will plete the gilding on these two
pages。 Our master; Osman the Miniaturist; wanted Elegant Effendi to color