第35部分(第2/7 頁)
accept this as an
indication of the truth; after returning from the funeral; he was suddenly
persuaded by the evidence of the dream; and concluded that my husband was
indeed dead。 Thus; everyone not only believed that my husband; who was
virtually immortal these past four years; had died in a dream; they couldn’t
have been more certain of his death had it been officially announced。 It was
only then that the boys truly realized that they’d been left fatherless。 It was
then that they truly began to grieve。
“Do you ever have dreams?” I asked Shevket。
“Yes;” he said smiling。 “My father doesn’t return home; and I end up
marrying you。”
His narrow nose; dark eyes and broad shoulders resemble me more than his
father。 Occasionally; I feel guilty that I wasn’t able to pass on to my children
their father’s high; broad forehead。
“Go on then; play ”swordsman‘ with your brother。“
You want to harm someone。 For example; you want to slander a
woman。 So; you’ll say that such…and…such woman is mitting
adultery or that such…and…such pasha is pilfering wine by the jug。 I
dreamed it; you’ll say。 In this fashion; even if they don’t believe you; the
mere mention of the sinful deed is almost never forgotten。
You want something; but you don’t even know what it is。 So; you’ll
describe a confusing dream。 Your friends or family will immediately
interpret the dream and tell you what you need or what they can do for
you。 For example; they’ll say: You need a husband; a child; a house…
“Can w