第26部分(第6/7 頁)
ut over a stunning landscape; and the gilder; no longer among us—
no need to name names—who spent his evenings arranging us into various
designs。 I’ve traveled in mahogany skiffs; I’ve visited the Sultan’s palace; I’ve
hidden within Herat…made bindings; in the heels of rose…scented shoes and in
the covers of packsaddles。 I’ve known hundreds of hands: dirty; hairy; plump;
oily; trembling and old。 I’ve been redolent of opium dens; candle…makers’
shops; dried mackerel and the sweat of all of Istanbul。 After experiencing such
excitement and motion; a base thief who had slit his victim’s throat in the
blackness of night and tossed me into his purse; once back in his accursed
house; spat in my face and grunted; “Damn you; it’s all because of you。” I was
so offended; so hurt; that I wanted nothing more than to disappear。
If I didn’t exist; however; no one would be able to distinguish a good artist
from a bad one; and this would lead to chaos among the miniaturists; they’d
all be at each other’s throats。 So I haven’t vanished。 I’ve entered the purse of
the most talented and intelligent of miniaturists and made my way here。
If you think you’re better than Stork; then by all means; get hold of me。
I wondered whether Shekure’s father was aware of the letters we exchanged。 If
I were to consider her tone; which bespoke a timid maiden quite afraid of her
father; I’d have to conclude that not a single word about me had passed
between them。 Yet; I sensed that this was not the case。 The slyness in Esther’s
looks; Shekure’s enchanting appearance at the window; the deci