第23部分(第6/7 頁)
Nay; I thought a little while later; he couldn’t be needling me。 Butterfly; like
the other master illustrators; obviously owed me a debt of gratitude: With
money and gifts to miniaturists dwindling; due to the wars and lack of
interest on the part of Our Sultan; the sole significant source of extra ine
had for some time been what they earned working for me。 I knew they were
jealous of one another over my attentions; and for this reason—but not only
for this reason—I met with them individually at my house; hardly a basis for
hostility toward me。 All of my miniaturists were mature enough to behave
intelligently; to sincerely find a reason to admire a man to whom they were
obliged for their own profit。
To relieve the silence and ensure that the previous topic of conversation
wouldn’t be revisited; I said; “Oh; will His wonders never cease! They’re able
to take the coffin up that hill as fast as they brought it down。”
Butterfly smiled sweetly showing all his teeth: “Due to the cold。”
Could this one actually kill a man; I wondered; for example; out of envy?
Might he kill me? He had the following excuse: This man was debasing my
religion。 Nay; but he’s a great master; a perfect embodiment of talent; why
should he resort to murder? Age means not only straining oneself climbing
hills; but also; I gather; not being so afraid of death。 It means a lack of desire;
entering into a slave girl’s bedchamber; not in a fit of excitement; but out of
custom。 In a burst of intuition; I told him to his face the decision I’d made: