第21部分(第5/7 頁)
“What are your thoughts?”
“I’m a married woman。 I’m waiting for my husband。”
Contrary to your expectations; the fact that she’d lie to me after asking me
to get involved in her affairs didn’t anger me。 Actually; this ment relieved
me。 If more of the young maidens and women I’ve carried letters for and
advised in the ways of the world attended to details the way Shekure did; they
would’ve lessened the work for us both by half。 More importantly; they
would’ve ended up in better marriages。
“What does the other one write?” I asked anyway。
“I don’t intend to read Hasan’s letter right now;” she answered。 “Does
Hasan know that Black’s returned to Istanbul?”
“He doesn’t even know he exists。”
“Do you speak with Hasan?” she asked; opening wide her beautiful black
“As you’ve requested。”
“He’s in agony。 He’s deeply in love with you。 Even if your heart belongs to
another; it’ll be difficult ever to be free of him now。 By accepting his letters
you’ve greatly encouraged him。 Be wary of him; however。 For not only does he
want to make you return there; but by establishing that his older brother has
died; he’s preparing to marry you。” I smiled to soften the weight of these
words and so as not to be reduced to being that malcontent’s mouthpiece。
“What’s the other one say; then?” she asked; but did she herself know
whom she was inquiring after?
“The miniaturist?”
“My mind’s all ajumble;” she said suddenly; perhaps afraid of her own
thoughts。 “It seems that matters will bee even more confused。