第46部分(第1/7 頁)
Color is the touch of the eye; music to the deaf; a word out of the darkness。
Because I’ve listened to souls whispering—like the susurrus of the wind—
from book to book and object to object for tens of thousands of years; allow
me to say that my touch resembles the touch of angels。 Part of me; the serious
half; calls out to your vision while the mirthful half soars through the air with
your glances。
I’m so fortunate to be red! I’m fiery。 I’m strong。 I know men take notice of
me and that I cannot be resisted。
I do not conceal myself: For me; delicacy manifests itself neither in
weakness nor in subtlety; but through determination and will。 So; I draw
attention to myself。 I’m not afraid of other colors; shadows; crowds or even of
loneliness。 How wonderful it is to cover a surface that awaits me with my own
victorious being! Wherever I’m spread; I see eyes shine; passions increase;
eyebrows rise and heartbeats quicken。 Behold how wonderful it is to live!
Behold how wonderful to see。 Behold: Living is seeing。 I am everywhere。 Life
begins with and returns to me。 Have faith in what I tell you。
Hush and listen to how I developed such a magnificent red tone。 A master
miniaturist; an expert in paints; furiously pounded the best variety of dried
red beetle from the hottest climes of Hindustan into a fine powder using his
mortar and pestle。 He prepared five drachmas of the red powder; one drachma
of soapwort and a half drachma of lotor。 He boiled the soapwort in a pot
containing three okkas of water。 Next; he mixed thoroughly the lotor into the