第19部分(第5/7 頁)
ch…lady; frowning; asshe drew back her head。 But here… if we suppose this interview betwixt Mistress Hibbinsand Hester Prynne to be authentic; and not a parable… was already anillustration of the young minister's argument against sundering therelation of a fallen mother to the offspring of her frailty。 Even thusearly had the child saved her from Satan's snare。 IX。 THE LEECH。 UNDER the appellation of Roger Chillingworth; the reader willremember; was hidden another name; which its former wearer hadresolved should never more be spoken。 It has been related; how; in thecrowd that witnessed Hester Prynne's ignominious exposure; stood aman; elderly; travel…worn; who; just emerging from the perilouswilderness; beheld the woman; in whom he hoped to find embodied thewarmth and cheerfulness of home; set up as a type of sin before thepeople。 Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet。 Infamy wasbabbling around her in the public market…place。 For her kindred;should the tidings ever reach them; and for the panions of herunspotted life; there remained nothing but the contagion of herdishonour; which would not fail to be distributed in strict accordanceand proportion with the intimacy and sacredness of their previousrelationship。 Then why… since the choice was with himself… shouldthe individual; whose connection with the fallen woman had been themost intimate and sacred of them all; e forward to vindicate hisclaim to an inheritance so little desirable? He resolved not to bepilloried beside her on her pedestal of shame。 Unknown to all butHester Prynne; and possessing the lock and key of her silence; hechose to withdraw his name from the roll of mankind; and as regardedhis former ties and interests; to vanish out of life as p