第19部分(第2/7 頁)
r's guilt and its mother's shame hath e fromthe hand of God; to work in many ways upon her heart; who pleads soearnestly; and with such bitterness of spirit; the right to keepher。 It was meant for a blessing; for the one blessing of her life! Itwas meant; doubtless; as the mother herself hath told us; for aretribution too; a torture to be felt at many an unthought…ofmoment; a pang; a sting; an ever…recurring agony; in the midst of atroubled joy! Hath she not expressed this thought in the garb of thepoor child; so forcibly reminding us of that red symbol which searsher bosom?〃 〃Well said again!〃 cried good Mr。 Wilson。 〃I feared the woman had nobetter thought than to make a mountebank of her child!〃 〃Oh; not so!… not so!〃 continued Mr。 Dimmesdale。 〃She recognises;believe me; the solemn miracle which God hath wrought; in theexistence of that child。 And may she feel; too… what; methinks; is thevery truth… that this boon was meant; above all things else; to keepthe mother's soul alive; and to preserve her from blacker depths ofsin into which Satan might else have sought to plunge her! Thereforeit is good for this poor; sinful woman that she hath an infantimmortality; a being capable of eternal joy or sorrow; confided to hercare… to be trained up by her to righteousness… to remind her; atevery moment; of her fall… but yet to teach her; as it were by theCreator's sacred pledge; that; if she bring the child to heaven; thechild also will bring its parent thither! Herein is the sinful motherhappier than the sinful father。 For Hester Prynne's sake; then; and noless for the poor child's sake; let us leave them as Providence hathseen fit to place them!〃 〃You speak; my friend; with a strange earnestness;〃 said old RogerChillingworth; smiling at him。 〃And there is a weighty import