第12部分(第6/7 頁)
l deformity in a young girl's fantasy! Men call me wise。 Ifsages were ever wise in their own behoof; I might have foreseen allthis。 I might have known that; as I came out of the vast and dismalforest; and entered this settlement of Christian men; the very firstobject to meet my eyes would be thyself; Hester Prynne; standing up; astatue of ignominy; before the people。 Nay; from the moment when wecame down the old churchsteps together; a married pair; I might havebeheld the bale…fire of that scarlet letter blazing at the end ofour path!〃 〃Thou knowest;〃 said Hester… for; depressed as she was; she couldnot endure this last quiet stab at the token of her shame… 〃thouknowest that I was frank with thee。 I felt no love; nor feigned any。〃 〃True;〃 replied he。 〃It was my folly! I have said it。 But; up tothat epoch of my life; I had lived in vain。 The world had been socheerless! My heart was a habitation large enough for many guests; butlonely and chill; and without a household fire。 I longed to kindleone! It seemed not so wild a dream… old as I was; and sombre as I was;and misshapen as I was… that the simple bliss; which is scatteredfar and wide; for all mankind to gather up; might yet be mine。 And so;Hester; I drew thee into my heart; into its innermost chamber; andsought to warm thee by the warmth which thy presence made there!〃 〃I have greatly wronged thee;〃 murmured Hester。 〃We have wronged each other;〃 answered he。 〃Mine was the firstwrong; when I betrayed thy budding youth into a false and unnaturalrelation with my decay。 Therefore; as a man who has not thought andphilosophised in vain; I seek no vengeance; plot no evil against thee。Between thee and me the scale hangs fairly balanced。 But; Hester;the man lives who has wronged us both! Who is he?〃 〃Ask me not!〃 replied