第16部分(第1/7 頁)
goutlandish; unearthly; or at variance with ordinary fashions; in themother and child; and therefore scorned them in their hearts; andnot unfrequently reviled them with their tongues。 Pearl felt thesentiment; and requited it with the bitterest hatred that can besupposed to rankle in a childish bosom。 These outbreaks of a fiercetemper had a kind of value; and even fort; for her mother;because there was at least an intelligible earnestness in the mood;instead of the fitful caprice that so often thwarted her in thechild's manifestations。 It appalled her; nevertheless; to discern hereagain; a shadowy reflection of the evil that had existed in herself。All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited; by inalienable right;out of Hester's heart。 Mother and daughter stood together in thesame circle of seclusion from human society; and in the nature ofthe child seemed to be perpetuated those unquiet elements that haddistracted Hester Prynne before Pearl's birth; but had since begunto be soothed away by the softening influences of maternity。 At home; within and around her mother's cottage; Pearl wanted nota wide and various circle of acquaintance。 The spell of life wentforth from her ever creative spirit; and municated itself to athousand objects; as a torch kindles a flame wherever it may beapplied。 The unlikeliest materials… a stick; a bunch of rags; aflower… were the puppets of Pearl's witchcraft; and; withoutundergoing any outward change; became spiritually adapted towhatever drama occupied the stage of her inner world。 Her onebaby…voice served a multitude of imaginary personages; old andyoung; to talk withal。 The pine…trees; aged; black and solemn; andflinging groans and other melancholy utterances on the breeze;needed little transformation to figure as Puritan elders; t