第28部分(第6/7 頁)
sformed a wise and just man to a fiend! Wilt thou yet purge it outof thee; and be once more human? If not for his sake; then doublyfor thine own! Forgive; and leave his further retribution to the Powerthat claims it! I said; but now; that there could be no good event forhim; or thee; or me; who are here wandering together in this gloomymaze of evil; and stumbling; at every step; over the guilt wherewithwe have strewn our path。 It is not so! There might be good for thee;and thee alone; since thou hast been deeply wronged; and hast it atthy will to pardon。 Wilt thou give up that only privilege? Wilt thoureject that priceless benefit?〃 〃Peace; Hester; peace!〃 replied the old man; with gloomysternness。 〃It is not granted me to pardon。 I have no such power asthou tellest me of。 My old faith; long forgotten; es back to me;and explains all that we do; and all we suffer。 By thy first stepawry; thou didst plant the germ of evil; but since that moment; it hasall been a dark necessity。 Ye that have wronged me are not sinful;save in a kind of typical illusion; neither am I fiend…like; whohave snatched a fiend's office from his hands。 It is our fate。 Let theblack flower blossom as it may! Now go thy ways; and deal as thou wiltwith yonder man。〃 He waved his hand and betook himself again to his employment ofgathering herbs。 XV。 HESTER AND PEARL。 SO Roger Chillingworth… a deformed old figure; with a face thathaunted men's memories longer than they liked… took leave of HesterPrynne; and went stooping away along the earth。 He gathered here andthere an herb; or grubbed up a root; and put it into the basket on hisarm。 His grey beard almost touched the ground; as he crept onward。Hester gazed after him a little while; looking with a half fa