第26部分(第5/7 頁)
while Hester never put forward eventhe humblest title to share in the world's privileges… further than tobreathe the mon air; and earn daily bread for little Pearl andherself by the faithful labour of her hands… she was quick toacknowledge her sisterhood with the race of man; whenever benefitswere to be conferred。 None so ready as she to give of her littlesubstance to every demand of poverty; even though the bitter…heartedpauper threw back a gibe in requital of the food brought regularlyto his door; or the garments wrought for him by the fingers that couldhave embroidered a monarch's robe。 None so self…devoted as Hester;when pestilence stalked through the town。 In all seasons ofcalamity; indeed; whether general or of individuals; the outcast ofsociety at once found her place。 She came; not as a guest; but as arightful inmate into the household that was darkened by trouble; as ifits gloomy twilight were a medium in which she was entitled to holdintercourse with her fellow…creatures。 There glimmered the embroideredletter; with fort in its unearthly ray。 Elsewhere the token of sin;it was the taper of the sick…chamber。 It had even thrown its gleam; inthe sufferer's hard extremity; across the verge of time。 It hadshown him where to set his foot; while the light of earth was fastbeing dim; and ere the light of futurity could reach him。 In suchemergencies; Hester's nature showed itself warm and rich; awell…spring of human tenderness; unfailing to every real demand; andinexhaustible by the largest。 Her breast; with its badge of shame; wasbut the softer pillow for the head that needed one。 She wasself…ordained a Sister of Mercy; or; we may rather say; the world'sheavy hand had so ordained her; when neither the world nor shelooked forward to this result。 The letter was the symbol