第26部分(第2/7 頁)
。 I had spent the better part of the night at thebedside of the worshipful Governor Winthrop; doing what my poorskill might to give him ease。 He going home to a better world; I;likewise; was on my way homeward; when this strange light shone out。e with me; I beseech you; reverend sir; else you will be poorlyable to do Sabbath duty to…morrow。 Aha! see now; how they troublethe brain… these books!… these books! You should study less; good sir;and take a little pastime; or these night…whimseys will grow uponyou。〃 〃I will go home with you;〃 said Mr。 Dimmesdale。 With a chill despondency; like one awaking; all nerveless; from anugly dream; be yielded himself to the physician; and was led away。 The next day; however; being the Sabbath; he preached a discoursewhich was held to be the richest and most powerful; and the mostreplete with heavenly influences; that had ever proceeded from hislips。 Souls; it is said; more souls than one; were brought to thetruth by the efficacy of that sermon; and vowed within themselves tocherish a holy gratitude towards Mr。 Dimmesdale throughout the longhereafter。 But; as he came down the pulpit steps; the grey…beardedsexton met him; holding up a black glove; which the ministerrecognised as his own。 〃It was found;〃 said the sexton; 〃this morning; on the scaffoldwhere evil…doers are set up to public shame。 Satan dropped it there; Itake it; intending a scurrilous jest against your reverence。 But;indeed; he was blind and foolish; as he ever and always is。 A purehand needs no glove to cover it!〃 〃Thank you; my good friend;〃 said the minister gravely; but startledat heart; for; so confused was his remembrance; that he had almostbrought himself to look at the events of the past night asvisionary。 〃Yes; it seems to be my glove; indeed!〃 〃And; since Sa