第22部分(第3/7 頁)
b。 Taking a handful of these; she arrangedthem along the lines of the scarlet letter that decorated the maternalbosom; to which the burrs; as their nature was; tenaciously adhered。Hester did not pluck them off。 Roger Chillingworth had by this time approached the window; andsmiled grimly down。 〃There is no law; nor reverence for authority; no regard for humanordinances or opinions; right or wrong; mixed up with that child'sposition;〃 remarked her; as much to himself as to his panion。 〃Isaw her; the other day; bespatter the Governor himself with water;at the cattle…trough in Spring Lane。 What; in Heaven's name; is she?Is the imp altogether evil? Hath she affections? Hath she anydiscoverable principle of being?〃 〃None… save the freedom of a broken law;〃 answered Mr。 Dimmesdale;in a quiet way; as if he had been discussing the point within himself。〃Whether capable of good I know not。〃 The child probably overheard their voices; for; looking up to thewindow; with a bright; but naughty smile of mirth and intelligence;she threw one of the prickly burrs at the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale。 Thesensitive clergyman shrunk; with nervous dread; from the lightmissile。 Detecting his emotion; Pearl clapped her little hands; in themost extravagant ecstasy。 Hester Prynne; likewise; had involuntarilylooked up; and all these four persons; old and young; regarded oneanother in silence; till the child laughed aloud; and shouted; 〃eaway; mother! e away; or yonder old Black Man will catch you! Hehath got hold of the minister already。 e away; mother; or he willcatch you! But he cannot catch little Pearl!〃 So she drew her mother away; skipping; dancing; and friskingfantastically; among the hillocks of the dead people; like acreature that had nothing in mon with a bygone and buriedgeneration; nor o