第27部分(第6/7 頁)
ne resolved to meet her former husband; and dowhat might be in her power for the rescue of the victim on whom he hadso evidently set his gripe。 The occasion was not long to seek。 Oneafternoon; walking with Pearl in a retired part of the peninsula;she beheld the old physician; with a basket on one arm; and a staff inthe other hand; stooping along the ground; in quest of roots and herbsto concoct his medicines withal。 XIV。 HESTER AND THE PHYSICIAN。 HESTER bade little Pearl run down to the margin of the water; andplay with the shells and tangled seaweed; until she should have talkedawhile with yonder gatherer of herbs。 So the child flew away like abird; and; making bare her small white feet; went pattering alongthe moist margin of the sea。 Here and there she came to a full stop;and peeped curiously into a pool; left by the retiring tide as amirror for Pearl to see her face in。 Forth peeped at her; out of thepool; with dark; glistening curls around her head; and an elf…smile inher eyes; the image of a little maid; whom Pearl; having no otherplaymate; invited to take her hand; and run a race with her。 But thevisionary little maid; on her part; beckoned likewise; as if to say;〃This is a better place! e thou into the pool!〃 And Pearl; steppingin; mid…leg deep; beheld her own white feet at the bottom; while;out of a still lower depth; came the gleam of a kind of fragmentarysmile; floating to and fro in the agitated water。 Meanwhile; her mother had accosted the physician。 〃I would speak a word with you;〃 said she… 〃a word that concernsus much。〃 〃Aha! and is it Mistress Hester that has a word for old RogerChillingworth?〃 answered he; raising himself from his stoopingposture。 〃With all my heart! Why; mistress; I hear good tidings o