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into his kingdom。 But what distinguished the physician's ecstasy from Satan's wasthe trait of wonder in it! XI。 THE INTERIOR OF A HEART。 AFTER the incident last described; the intercourse between theclergyman and the physician; though externally the same; was really ofanother character than it had previously been。 The intellect ofRoger Chillingworth had now a sufficiently plain path before it。 Itwas not; indeed; precisely that which he had laid out for himself toread。 Calm; gentle; passionless; as he appeared; there alice; hitherto latent; but active now; inthis unfortunate old man; which led him to imagine a more intimaterevenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upon an enemy。 To makehimself the one trusted friend; to whom should be confided all thefear; the remorse; the agony; the ineffectual repentance; the backwardrush of sinful thoughts; expelled in vain! All that guilty sorrow;hidden from the world; whose great heart would have pitied andforgiven; to be revealed to him; the Pitiless; to him; theUnforgiving! All that dark treasure to be lavished on the very man; towhom nothing else could so adequately pay the debt of vengeance。 The clergyman's shy and sensitive reserve had balked this scheme。Roger Chillingworth; however; was inclined to be hardly; if at all;less satisfied with the aspect of affairs; which Providence… using theavenger and his victim for its own purposes; and; perchance;pardoning; where it seemed most to punish… had substituted for hisblack devices。 A revelation; he could almost say; had been grantedto him。 It mattered little; for his object; whether celestial; or fromwhat other region。 By its aid; in all the subsequent relations betwixthim and Mr。 Dimmesdale; not merely the external presence; but the