第39部分(第6/7 頁)
have clogged the spiritual sense。 Now she caughtthe low undertone; as of the wind sinking down to repose itself;then ascended with it; as it rose through progressive gradations ofsweetness and power; until its volume seemed to envelop her with anatmosphere of awe and solemn grandeur。 And yet; majestic as thevoice sometimes became; there was for ever in it an essentialcharacter of plaintiveness; a loud or low expression of anguish… thewhisper; or the shriek; as it might be conceived; of sufferinghumanity; that touched a sensibility in every bosom! At times thisdeep strain of pathos was all that could be heard; and scarcely heard;sighing amid a desolate silence。 But even when the minister's voicegrew high and manding… when it gushed irrepressibly upward… when itassumed its utmost breadth and power; so overfilling the church asto burst its way through the solid walls; and diffuse itself in theopen air… still; if the auditor listened intently; and for thepurpose; he could detect the same cry of pain。 What was it? Theplaint of a human heart; sorrow…laden; perchance guilty; tellingits secret; whether of guilt or sorrow; to the great heart of mankind;beseeching its sympathy or forgiveness… at every moment… in eachaccent… and never in vain! It was this profound and continualundertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power。 During all this time; Hester stood; statue…like; at the foot ofthe scaffold。 If the minister's voice had not kept her there; therewould nevertheless have been an inevitable magism in that spot;whence she dated the first hour of her life of ignominy。 There was asense within her… to ill…defined to be made a thought; but weighingheavily on her mind… that her whole orb of life; both before andafter; was connected with this spot; as with the one poin