第39部分(第2/7 頁)
knew not;unless that he seemed so remote from her own sphere; and utterlybeyond her reach。 One glance of recognition; she had imagined; mustneeds pass between them。 She thought of the dim forest; with itslittle dell of solitude; and love; and anguish; and the mossytree…trunk; where; sitting hand in hand; they had mingled their sadand passionate talk with the melancholy murmur of the brook。 Howdeeply had they known each other then! And was this the man? Shehardly knew him now! He; moving proudly past; enveloped; as it were;in the rich music; with the procession of majestic and venerablefathers; he; so unattainable in his worldly position; and still moreso in that far vista of his unsympathising thoughts; through which shenow beheld him! Her spirit sank with the idea that all must havebeen a delusion; and that; vividly as she had dreamed it; therecould be no real bond betwixt the clergyman and herself。 And thus muchof woman was there in Hester; that she could scarcely forgive him…least of all now; when the heavy footstep of their approaching Fatemight be heard; nearer; nearer; nearer!… for being able sopletely to withdraw himself from their mutual world; while shegroped darkly; and stretched forth her cold hands; and found him not。 Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings; orherself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen aroundthe minister。 While the procession passed; the child was uneasy;fluttering up and down; like a bird on the point of taking flight。When the whole had gone by; she looked up into Hester's face。 〃Mother;〃 said she; 〃was that the same minister that kissed me bythe brook?〃 〃Hold thy peace; dear little Pearl!〃 whispered her mother。 〃Wemust not always talk in the market…place of what happens to us inthe forest。〃 〃I could