第29部分(第6/7 頁)
he enigma of the scarletletter seemed an innate quality of her being。 From the earliestepoch of her conscious life; she had entered upon this as herappointed mission。 Hester had often fancied that Providence had adesign of justice and retribution; in endowing the child with thismarked propensity; but never; until now; had she bethought herselfto ask; whether; linked with that design; there might not likewisebe a purpose of mercy and beneficence。 If little Pearl wereentertained with faith and trust; as a spirit messenger no less thanan earthly child; might it not be her errand to soothe away the sorrowthat lay cold in her mother's heart; and converted it into a tomb?…and to help her to overe the passion; once so wild; and even yetneither dead nor asleep; but only imprisoned within the same tomb…likeheart? Such were some of the thoughts that now stirred in Hester's mind;with as much vivacity of impression as if they had actually beenwhispered into her ear。 And there was little Pearl; all this while;holding her mother's hand in both her own; and turning her faceupward; while she put these searching questions; once; and again;and still a third time。 〃What does the letter mean; mother?… and why dost thou wear it?… andwhy does the minister keep his hand over his heart?〃 〃What shall I say?〃 thought Hester to herself。 〃No! If this be theprice of the child's sympathy; I cannot pay it。〃 Then she spoke aloud。 〃Silly Pearl;〃 said she; 〃what questions are these? There are manythings in this world that a child must not ask about。 What know I ofthe minister's heart? And as for the scarlet letter; I wear it for thesake of its gold thread。〃 In all the seven bygone years; Hester Prynne had never before beenfalse to the symbol on her bosom。 It may be that it was the talismanof a ste